“KYOICHI” is an abbreviation of “Kyo no ichiban” which literally means “No.1 thing for today”, referring to the best, most wonderful, most memorable or funniest thing that people experience in their day. Kyoichi is a casual and friendly Japanese expression that is commonly used among friends or family members. For example, at a restaurant, “Kono ryori, watashi no kyoichi desu!” (This dish is my favorite from today’s menu!) or at a music festival, “Ano kashu, watashi no kyoichi dane! ”(That is the best singer I’ve seen today!)
Our Ichiban Kobe’s staff members (TEAM KYOICHI) hit the town and have unique interviews with people from all over the world. At the end of the interview, we ask them one question in Japanese, “Anata no Kobe no kyoichi wa nandesuka? (What is your favorite thing, memory or attraction in Kobe today?)” And then, we ask them to answer the question in Japanese! They need some practice of course, but all of them really enjoy memorizing the phrases.
Part1: A couple from France
Q1 Where did you come from?
We came from France. We are currently studying in Tokyo as exchange students.
Q2 Is this your first time visiting Kobe?
Yes! It’s our first time.
Q3 How long will you be staying in Kobe?
We will only be staying in Kobe for one day. We are heading out to Osaka tomorrow.
Q4 What is your impression of Kobe?
Kobe is really nice! The downtown area is bustling and energetic of course, but the waterfront area is so calm and relaxing, especially the harbor, which is one of our favorite spots. Compared to Tokyo, Kobe is way more laid back. That’s how we currently feel so far.
Q5 What’s your favorite Kobe-related thing, memory, or attraction so far today? “Anata no Kobe no kyoichi wa nandesuka?”
Port Tower! We just went up to the top of the tower. The view from the top was so amazing and beautiful.
Part2: A family from Singapore
Q1 Where did you come from?
From Singapore!
Q2 Is this your first time visiting Kobe?
Yes, it’s our first time.
Q3 How long will you be staying in Kobe?
2 nights.
Q4 What is your impression of Kobe?
Beef! Absolutely Kobe beef! We’ve already made a reservation for a Kobe beef steak restaurant and are really looking forward to trying it. And you can’t forget about Kobe’s sweets, their taste is so unique and delicious!
Q5 What’s your favorite Kobe-related thing, memory, or attraction so far today? “Anata no Kobe no kyoichi wa nandesuka?”
Port Tower, museums, the ocean view, the weather…everything we’ve seen and experienced so far in Kobe today is amazing!
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“KYOICHI” is an abbreviation of “Kyo no ichiban” which literally means “No.1 thing for today”, referring to the best, most wonderful, most memorable or funniest thing that people experience in their day. Kyoichi is a casual and friendly Japanese expression that is commonly used among friends or family members. For example, at a restaurant, “Kono ryori, watashi no kyoichi desu!” (This dish is my favorite from today’s menu!) or at a music festival, “Ano kashu, watashi no kyoichi dane! ”(That is the best singer I’ve seen today!) Our Ichiban Kobe’s staff members (TEAM KYOICHI) hit the town and have unique interviews with people from all over the world. At the […]